Pax Aureus
I hate how I can't stun somebody with melee if they're running.
Swordsmen back in medieval times did not just sit there and wait for their hits to not miss when they chase someone, why does RS cancel it when you move then? Ffs!
They won't know what you mean unless you call it New Leicester, to go with their New England and New York@!
I'm totally unsportsy though, I'm bad
Haha, idk what it is about football, it's just like the craziest sport, gives you shivers like this:
I guess you have to sort of understand the importance of some games to get why they're insane, but yeah. I used to play rugby and cricket, too, but I kinda outgrew both.
I'm more of a watcher than a player, though, so idk if that makes me sporty still. ;p
I might tag along and watch the World Cup, as we're hosting.
The last time I played was just tag rugby, and all I did was run with the ball and score tries, as I was pretty quick; so I don't really know the rules or what's going on haha.