Hm... that Minigames FC for thaler can guide people through Mobilizing Armies so I get work on 401 rank, yes? I'm thinking of camping MA on Saturday so I can keep working on trim.
Evil Lucario
Hm... that Minigames FC for thaler can guide people through Mobilizing Armies so I get work on 401 rank, yes? I'm thinking of camping MA on Saturday so I can keep working on trim.
You don't exactly need to use the Minigames fc for ma spotlight if this next one is anything like the last. There was enough people there that you could instantly get in another game with randoms after finishing one and
people were good afkers or boosters and didn't try to kill you before 4 minutes. Did the full req last spotlight so it'll be nice to get to afk this one :3
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death