Depends on how much you pay attention and what other boosts (Lumberjack outfit, Raf, juju woodcutting potion/perfect plus, clan avatar, pineappletini, lumberjack aura ...) I guess.
In my last hour I used 12 urns => 19,950 xp
(388k-19,950)/2 = 184k
26-Aug-2015 23:21:22
- Last edited on
26-Aug-2015 23:24:00
Decent amount of unlog there, or is there some minigame that grants pray xp? Only thing I can think of immediately is dom tower but that'd require thousands of hours for that sort of XP
Decent amount of unlog there, or is there some minigame that grants pray xp? Only thing I can think of immediately is dom tower but that'd require thousands of hours for that sort of XP
Doesn't Dominion Tower Factor caps at 1M/run? IDK how many Prayer XPs that's worth, but it would take a while.
Decent amount of unlog there, or is there some minigame that grants pray xp? Only thing I can think of immediately is dom tower but that'd require thousands of hours for that sort of XP
Could be 2 lots of enlightenment there too, since reset was last night