Should those distance tanking at Yakamaru be punished for bug abuse?
yeah its clear bug abuse. Your abusing the fact that dreadnips can stun stun immune targets to delay attacks, then by having a stunned target, the tank is holding agro and then stepping out of its 14 sq range, which was already increased once to prevent people from avoiding attacks, ie nox longbows out ranging quicksand, and carefully timing their steps in to retain agro on yaka without yaka being able to attack.
Should those distance tanking at Yakamaru be punished for bug abuse?
I don't think they should be punished, since Jagex said it's okay to do.... But I think they should fix it so people can't do that.
Should those distance tanking at Yakamaru be punished for bug abuse?
yeah its clear bug abuse. Your abusing the fact that dreadnips can stun stun immune targets to delay attacks, then by having a stunned target, the tank is holding agro and then stepping out of its 14 sq range, which was already increased once to prevent people from avoiding attacks, ie nox longbows out ranging quicksand, and carefully timing their steps in to retain agro on yaka without yaka being able to attack.
I think Jagex should reset everyone's Daredevil titles. How is it fair that most people who have it abused their way through the kill? Skipping phases, far tanking, the list goes on and on. Fix the bugs and let the *daredevils* really go earn the title.
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DG journals:
- Marmaros and Thok - 1/1000 (drops for the whole party)
- Misc. journals 1 through 15 (boss monster drops, drops for the whole party) - 1/1000 drop chance
-- Chronicles of Bilrach are still up for discussion as they are lore-related.
-- Kal'Gerion Notes, Stalker Notes and Behemoth Notes would be included.
- Misc. journals 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 not included due to drop rate ranging from 1/10000 to 1/50000. This is the exception we are going to be sticking with because such highly luck based factors is not one of our intentions.
10,000 drop chance for probably 16-19 and 50,000 for Strange Token... RIP completing all Dungeoneering journals 100%. I think I'd rather finish off my champion scrolls to find.
s hamy
Should those distance tanking at Yakamaru be punished for bug abuse?
yeah its clear bug abuse. Your abusing the fact that dreadnips can stun stun immune targets to delay attacks, then by having a stunned target, the tank is holding agro and then stepping out of its 14 sq range, which was already increased once to prevent people from avoiding attacks, ie nox longbows out ranging quicksand, and carefully timing their steps in to retain agro on yaka without yaka being able to attack.
I think Jagex should reset everyone's Daredevil titles. How is it fair that most people who have it abused their way through the kill? Skipping phases, far tanking, the list goes on and on. Fix the bugs and let the *daredevils* really go earn the title.
ps. pl0x hm vorago
I already got the title once without mechanic abuse
BiMD we didn't even know about distance tanking or using dreadnips and closest thing to intentionally abusing something was standing at distance for nox bow. I agree with Keighlea, patch it but idk how or who to punish for it so idk about punishing
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death
06-Aug-2015 22:37:32
- Last edited on
06-Aug-2015 22:40:51