Just sat through a task of 50 tormented demons in the one trip - tho felt them to be a bit meh, both for loot and time taken to kill/slay exp, tho could be wrong - is it worth doing them in the future?
Gots me an Abby demon task now. How do they fare in terms of slay xp p/h?
A list of possible slayer pref tasks I got a while back listed Tzhaar as one of them, at 72k xp-ish p/h, would Abby demons top that?
If memory serves they're
for slayer exp, but not the best (tormented demons)... They're nice for the limbs (13m ish according to a friend yesterday) but otherwise not much going on loot wise
Abby demons are nice for exp, but they annoy me lol so I don't do them
Lifer has a thread floating around of slayer tasks for their exp and which ones to prefer and stuff if you're looking for a guide on that... Personally I'd say block what you dislike and prefer what you do like regardless of exp.. You'll enjoy slaying more that way