s hamy
s hamy
Can I buy multiple summer packages on the same account?
Doubt it, plus it's still more expensive than grandfather and premier.
I'm very confused about what just happened, the Dragonkin just show up behind V and myself, there was no teleport sound, they just showed up, and with one in a cage, like what, strange way to do an entrance, I can only assume they teleported in since I'm sure we would have heard them carry a caged one into the cave, and then before you progress you say 'V.. you saved me' what? when? the Dragonkin specifically targeted V to drain the power of Jas from
Technically if you've done wgs/rotm then we're a stone toucher too and they could have been aiming at us because we were the easier target. Lol6thAge though, so we may never know because of their haphazard quest reqs
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death