Anyone else hated Dishonor among thieves?.
Yes. That filth questioned my abilities! UNFORGIVABLE.
It's about the fun and content that you unlock as you progress be it through quests or not. PvP Pre-EoC. You cannot lie to me and say SoA wasn't needed. It was and if you didn't have it, you were shit, in fact so shit, that you DESERVED to die to someone SoA rushing you. It was SO good that you had to do all those quests to get 270 QPs to unlock what was considered the most spellbreaking best DPS spell in the game THAT ACTUALLY BEAT CHAOTIC RAPIER. YES! RAPIER! WHO SAID IT WAS MELEESCAPE? And alongside that quest, you had Korasi WHICH WAS AN EVEN BETTER AGS/D CLAW THAT HIT THROUGH PRAY MELEE.
Sadly, people do quests to keep up with competition. Do you think everyone enjoyed getting turmoil? (Tbh I did coz I liked killing the Barrows Brothers again in that quest and I liked Nomad and RoTM and nothing beats those quests in my eyes).
Soul Split and Turmoil was a must have. That's kind of the sad thing about quests. People do it because they need to keep up with up to date DPS. Not because they're fun or interactive or has a great storyline, alot of people don't care about that.
Needless to say most new quests have been very lacklustre. They don't keep up with the older quests. Just my opinion though!
Yeah! RotM was legit the only reason that I did quests, I remember really wanting dbane bolts and glacor boots and the story was really good too. All the new quests don't have any story, at least none that makes any sense lore wise and it's sadly gotten me back into spacebar spamming cause the entire thing is just bs anyway
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death
People do it because they need to keep up with up to date DPS. Not because they're fun or interactive or has a great storyline, alot of people don't care about that.
Needless to say most new quests have been very lacklustre.
I like quests because they take away from the grind of xpxpxpxpxp, and some of them are enjoyable. Certain rewards are a bonus, but rarely the sole reason I did a quest. The fact new quests need doing for comp cape is just kinda coincidence for me, I'd do them either way. I do agree with your latter comment though.
Only quests I really enjoyed were WGS and ROTM. I did WGS to gain access to Tormented demons which turned out to be worth the effort and time the quest required - still remains the best quest in terms of playability and rewards (for me). No quest has beaten it yet (IMO).
Nowadays, I only do quests to re-claim comp cape. If it wasn't for comp, I wouldn't bother with half of the quests that have come out.