Yeah you can't alch and several items are not included in the filters. I wrote about that in the beta forums a month ago and now again in hlf feedback.
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1 Perhaps increase the radius, as it's not effective against large npcs.
2 Possible to loot from a distance as long as the item clicked is within the radius. Check for items in a radius around the player rather than the clicked item.
3 Movable loot window.
4 Option to keep loot window open.
5 Ability to use alchemy spells when the window is open.
6 Ability for the window to stay open if moving away from loot. (Already happens sometimes but clicking loot will close it so it's pointless.)
7 Ability to combine filters, value takes a higher priority currently (I think?). Setting value to 0 and unticking combat consumables will loot food drops for example.
8 Add more filters/items to filters, currently magic logs cannot be looted with loot custom unless value is being used. Even if all the categories are ticked they won't be looted.
9 Keyboard shortcuts for loot custom and loot all.
12-May-2015 00:40:07