Also regarding the looting system I posted quite a bit of feedback here
while it was still new but from what I heard it's actually worse than when it was new, with dead clicks and other stuff present? If that's the case then hopefully post release feedback will help making the system better.
It's actually 23 hours. Also who would have thought that using the resource dungeon as a bank would be better than actually using the resources in it?
Also regarding the looting system I posted quite a bit of feedback here
while it was still new but from what I heard it's actually worse than when it was new, with dead clicks and other stuff present? If that's the case then hopefully post release feedback will help making the system better.
Dead clicks were related to a bug that wasn't existent in the beta, so it's basically a day 1 qbd/rago like bug.
Beta testing seems so pointless when they just go ahead and add things too early without adressing issues raised or suggestions given.
Oh well at least some of the looting bugs were fixed /;
MFW they add a poll for dps changes then like next week release loot rework. I mean, it was a good choice, but it's funny.