HLF Specific rules:
3. Posting links to offensive/harmful content and derailing threads/making spam posts is not ok.
Forum rules:
Always try to ensure that your posts are constructive and interesting. Posting without contributing to the discussion is not wanted.
Offences in this category include:
Adding multiple posts with the same content several times over.
Adding multiple threads with the same content several times over.
Adding posts which are devoid of meaningful content.
Posting to ask for items or gold (begging).
Posting threads with a misleading title.
Jagex terms:
Must Not:
be obscene, hateful, inflammatory, threatening, harassing, sexually explicit or deceptive or fraudulent in anyway;
promote violence or discrimination, promote or endorse any illegal activity or otherwise be objectionable;
be defamatory or an invasion of an individual’s right to privacy;
infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any third party, including copyrights, trade marks, database rights, any rights of confidentiality or any similar rights;
attempt to or purport to impersonate any person or misrepresent your identity, affiliation or connection to any other person;
include hyperlinks or connections to third party websites;
contain viruses, Trojans, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software, hardware or network;
reveal details that enable you or anyone else to be identified or contacted outside of the game (e.g. last name, postal/email address or telephone number);
have any commercial purpose; and
involve junk mail, spam, pyramid selling or similar schemes.
Don't see anything in any of these where expressing love is a problem, or even what constitutes a "spam thread" nor to this thing that forums are not a "personal messaging board". I seek enlightenment.
I've lost my arrow. Have you seen it? It's been on my mind a lot lately...
27-Aug-2013 01:24:07