MorgyBite: A bite which infects the receiver with a strong obsession for flowerpots, so much that the infected will take it as far as wearing the hat on themselves, and never letting go. The infected may also use the flowerpot hat for literally everything possible, from eating meals to using it as a pillow to sleep on. The severity of the obsessions solely depends on the intensity of the bite.
The infected also try to "breed", spreading the "virus" to other lifeforms.
Say NO to the MorgyBite!!
My hat is comfortable and versatile. You're missing out!
I've swallowed enough hats to know that I'm missing out on absolutely nothing at all
Your hat has you under full control and you aren't even consciously aware of it. It's sad to watch you get controlled by some this hideous flowerpot, that happens to be coloured red, and not blue.
no one bites me because green skin is contagious
Zombie digimon
+ Rip.... someone in my clan with 200m farm is locked out of their account, apparently they were "told by Jagex that it is obvious that [they] did not create the account and someone else is the true owner. End of story."