I don't want to be negative here but I can name at least 5 jagex games that either weren't finished or were shut down in under a year after they were launched.
Also mmos are not really a thing anymore, assuming we're talking about mmorpgs that is. About 15 years ago they were the new shit and they offered so much we hadn't seen before, and we were also young. They were just amazing but that feeling has died now. It would be extremely hard for someone to deliver an mmo that would make us feel that way again, if that ever happens.
A new mmo called crowfall is on kickstarter at the moment and it promises so much, and yet I'm still suspicious about it and would approach it with doubt. Faith is hard to restore.
The current games that are STILL ACTVE are funorbs-tier app games that Jagex bought out and are hosting. And a couple of THEM still sunk after Jagex fiddled with how they work.
We've seen it all before, there's not much more to expand on MMO wise. These companies always seem to release products that have major flaws in their key selling features. See: any MMO released in the past 5 years.
Staggering phasing issues, no end game, too hard endgame, p2w esque transactions filling the ENTIRE game, unreliable servers, day 1 DLC, excessive content gating