What be fastest fletch exp thingymahoozit to train with? o:
Dun me 4 harmony pillars, now got const, fletch, attack and thatotherskill to do and get 200k expees in. :3
Tho magic long fletchin seems a tad slow lol, even with bxp on the skill.
I likey the moss pillars. Was planning on doing 1m in each skill goals randomly, but these pillars give nice shorter random skill goals to aim for, so yer overall xp goes up, and get lovely moooosssss to nom on after.
Broads are the best thing that's easy to acquire and fletch with.
From every angle and curve, to every entangling swerve; it's all about handling nerve
Think its 13,500 broads for a pillar too?
C-can't it just be like, one really big arrow.
ARTHRITIS AND SPLINTERS MAN! *Shows you the stumps that make my hands after construction/fletch/woodcutting/firemaking/fishing/ ... pretty much most skills actually