I'm not sure if you really saw the attitude the day warbands got 'nerfed.' Thousands of players were so goddamned resistant, it was unbelievable. There main citation is to get max cape faster -.-
if I maxed without warbands but started doing them when I maxed, is that ok
I'm not sure if you really saw the attitude the day warbands got 'nerfed.' Thousands of players were so goddamned resistant, it was unbelievable. There main citation is to get max cape faster -.-
Much worse than the pkers.
I don't understand this attitude towards other players who play new content and then getting annoyed when it's nerfed. I also don't understand why people care so much about other people's levels. As far as I'm concerned, I don't care how people trained because I enjoyed my time levelling the way I did and would like others to enjoy it too.
It is possible to train those skills without ever touching the skills. It is not exactly in the spirit of the game.
Jagex shouldn't really try to make the entire community top heavy, e.g. maxed/high levelled. It's just not good for the health of the game. People will finish sooner than expected.
I'm pretty sure once divination settles, we can see just how many maxed players out of... 12k players? quit.