Nothing wrong with 70, anything higher is a waste usually. It's just that in some tasks you get hit a lot and it's more likely to die with that, so using 80 is a very good idea. Edimmus are quite difficult and I don't expect someone to use 70 unless they can't afford anything better.
I use Armadyl there and manage just fine.
Lauri El
Im still going to buy for RS money, gp just standing in my bank. Not using for anything.
But irl money can buy me nice things like burgers and butter
Butter, lol xd Do you eat it with a spoon, Cassie?
Same though, for now.. I've bought bonds, but if the package is particularly lacklustre then I'll just sell them off for a small profit and carry on with irl gp
I might try making 2 sticks at Araxxor, we'll see.
That'd buy me VIP + pay my friend back and I could probably buy 120 pray on top of that
You should do it!! Maybe the boss hunting in January will pay for your Herblore then?
I always use real money for membership, 24 or however many bonds it is are a considerable amount of cash in game and I find it easier to make the real life equivalent, even with the minimum wage rates here.
Yeah but edimmus are still level 122 and they are quite accurate. I was getting hit quite a bit on my first task with death lotus. It's not like mage is weak against mage anyway..