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25% increased damage with no halved armour rating seems fair in my honest opinion.
I'd say 30% increased damage and no halved armor rating.
Reason being: Meta does 170% damage in 20 seconds.
Berserk does 200% so that's additional 30% and you take extra 30% damage to pay for that. If it is too imbalanced then it could be 50% extra damage taken, as long as the armor rating nerf is removed.
Lets see...
Metamorph provides 170% damage while you take 100%, berserk providing 200% while you take 125%.
In first case you have a 70% (170 / 100) dps advantage while second case you have a 60% (200 / 125) dps advantage though u also have 17% (200 / 170) more KO potential.
Taking 30% and 50% extra damage would give you respectively 53% and 33% dps advantage while maintaining 17% more KO potential.
I'd say 25%-30% is fairer as you trade off some dps advantage but you get bigger hits. 50% will make it too worse than metamorph
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25-30% is fine.
Considering Melee has to first be in Melee Distance to deal damage.
Nice tradeoff ^-^
There is also that yes, even a melee player can stun/bind a berserk player and make him waste most of the ability.