Hello everyone. I returned last year after being away from game about 5 yrs to find so many new things added. I'm presently trying to understand the "buffs", though I'm not even sure what they are.
In looking this up on wiki I find settings > advanced mode > buff bar with many boxes to either check or not check. In game I find I have 5 boxes already checked, i.e. buff bar, crafting progress, debuff bar, minigame HUD & XP popups. I do not find an interpretation of any of these. When the little window showing these is on monitor there are several red boxes located around on my monitor; however, when this little window is closed, those red boxes disappear.
I'm "guessing" when I think these red boxes are "areas" where different items of game play can be placed, i.e. clicking "incite" constitution ability made a tiny window (stand alone window; not a bar similar to abilities bars) shows up with that "incite" icon on it. This makes me think there are certain "abilities" called "buff" abilities that can fit into this same general area (being the size of the red box that showed up when in advanced mode). Is this correct? If so, where can I find out what "buff" ability can go there?
I'm not real sure what a "buff" is. Is it an "ability" like the ones I drag to my abilities bars used for combat? Is it an "item" (like pray potion or overload, etc.) that can be dragged to that red area? One friend told me it could be a "perk" which I don't understand at all as perks are in gizmos that can be placed on weapons/armours. (I'm a very concrete thinker; so am having a hard time understanding buffs.)
The other items that were checked in this advanced mode were not explained either...not that I could find. (On my monitor I do have little windows that are a constant, i.e. slayer counter; and when I'm working something a little progress window shows up showing how many I'm working...I'm "guessing" this is the "crafting progress" bar.)
Help would be appreciated.
I am what I am! Acknowledging this is the beginning; and my growth is yet to end!
II Cor. 5:7 "We walk by faith! Not by sight!"