Competitions Update
Do you make RuneScape videos? If so, then now is your chance to win VIP tickets to RuneFest by entering the second annual Golden Gnome Video Awards.
The Golden Gnomes exist to recognise the finest video making talent in all of RuneScape... and they're here!
Check out this official launch video by the one and only TehNoobShow :
For full details of how to enter, and how to vote for your favourite entries, check out the competition thread .
What are you waiting for? Get filming!

We loved seeing the amazing range of outfits at RuneFest 2010 and we're sure there will be some even better creations at RuneFest 2011. We will be providing an inventive in the form of fantastic prizes for our favourite costumes, armour or whatever else you can come up with!
So if you're coming to RuneFest 2011 but you're not sure whether to attend in costume, this might help you to make up your mind!
You can find more details at the website - and you can check out photos of some of the 2010 costumes in the Last Year section of the site.
We can't wait to see what you make - so get sewing, sticking, dyeing and painting today!
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01-Jul-2011 14:51:01 - Last edited on 01-Jul-2011 15:19:39 by Mod Jon H
Social Networking Update

June saw us reach an incredible milestone of 500,000 followers on Facebook. Thanks to every single one of you who has 'Liked' our page so far!
We ran a mini-challenge as we approached the 500k threshold - involving potentially hilarious dares! To see what happened click here ...
We also continue to provide exclusive teasers and hints via the @OfficialJagex Twitter account, and you can see the latest official videos on . Check us out using the buttons below!
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01-Jul-2011 14:51:28
Quiz Quest
Each month, the Quiz Quest tests your knowledge about the RuneScape world. There are prizes for five winning entries and we hope that you all enjoy hunting for the answer.
Thank you to all of you who entered the June Quiz Quest competition!
The correct answer to last month's Quiz Quest was this:
Q. The new Wildstalker Helmet can be obtained from Mr Ex in Edgeville - but he isn't wearing one himself. What is depicted on the hat he is wearing?
A. A skull.

Well done to those of you who got it right!
(A note about the answer: the important thing was that you found Mr Ex and looked at his hat. We accepted anything that showed you'd done so - such as "a white skull", "a death's head", "a skull with no lower jaw", "a PKing skull" etc.)
This month, congratulations go to *drum roll*... Lady Debra01, whose entry was the first one to be selected. We are delighted to give him three months' complimentary membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J Mods.
The following four players are the runners up, each winning one month of RuneScape membership:
Imperius Iv
Tim Wan
We choose the winners at random, so if you didn't win this time, try again!
This month's Quiz Quest:
The new Members' Loyalty Programme allows you to purchase custom titles for your in-game character.
One of them is
- if your character is male. What is the equivalent title for female characters?
Once you have the answer, post it on the July Quiz Quest thread or send it to us by email at [email protected] - and if you could include the words 'quiz quest' in your subject header it will really help us to spot your email! If you are under 13, please ask a parent or guardian to send your entry in on your behalf, from their contact email address.
Please remember to include your RuneScape account name with your answer if you submit by email - that way we will know who should be rewarded for their fact-finding power!
The competition will close on Friday 22 July 2011 - so get your answer in as soon as you can.
The winner will receive a complimentary 3 months' membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J-Mods.
The four runners-up will receive one month's RuneScape membership.
All winners will have their names posted in the next edition of the Gielinor Globe!
So, good luck finding out the answer!
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01-Jul-2011 14:51:42 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2011 17:51:57 by Mod Kathy
June's Caption Competition Winners
Last month's photo showed the one and only Mod Captain demonstrating his IRL woodcutting skill:
We asked you to come up with a great caption, and you came up with some amazing submissions.
This month, congratulations go to... DlSCREETKILL , whose entry was personally selected by Captain himself. We are delighted to give him two months' complimentary membership to RuneScape and a RuneScape mouse mat signed by Mark Gerhard and a selection of other J Mods.
Our awesome runner up was Cadge Lewool who will receive one month's RuneScape membership.
Here are the winners, and the 'best of the rest' captions as selected by the Captain. -
After attempting to cut the tree down with his battle-axe, Mod Captain realized he would have to use the smaller, and less manly, hatchet instead.
Awesome Runner-up - Cadge Lewool
Mod Captain grunted in disgust when he realized that not only does a battleaxe not work on trees, but he needed a woodcutting level of 105 to clear this obstacle.
Notable Mentions:
"The Lumberjack Shirt drop rates were too low." - Faux Fox Pas
"Maybe if i hold this axe and look angry the tree will go away" - Enigma Chris
"I brought the Wildy back and didn't even get a t-shirt" - Wolf Rulez
"How dare you interrupt me while performing my 99 woodcutting emote?!" - irTurtlez
July's Caption Competition is out now! Head over to the July Caption Competition thread to see the new image. Better get those puns warmed up!
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01-Jul-2011 14:51:54
Who the Zamorak?
Each month, we give you a selection of facts about a mystery J-Mod and invite you to guess who it might be!
Although the majority of participants guessed Mod Paul M, last month 's facts were actually all about our Spanish community manager Mod Keildest . Well done to the following users for getting it right:
Rane Sedai
Ice Reaper
And now on to this month's contest! Here are ten clues about another J-Mod from the Community Management team.
All the clues are true (and ever so slightly odd, but that is half the fun!)
- I wear a different t-shirt every day
- People believe I'm from Ireland
- I listen to lyrics
- I'm pretty tall
- I really enjoy e-sports
- I've lived in three countries this last year
- I love retro video games
- I have tried to learn how to play a guitar since I was twelve
- I wear out at least two pairs of headphones per year
- I'm a nightowl
There are no prizes for Who The Zamorak?, it's just for fun. So get your thinking caps on, and when you think you know who it is, post your answer on this thread! If you get it right, we'll list your name in next month's newsletter.
Game on!
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01-Jul-2011 14:52:20 - Last edited on 01-Jul-2011 15:27:51 by Mod Jon H
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