oh heck why not?
What are you listening to on your iPod right now? waltz of the flowers-tchaikovosky, but normally the nightmare before christmas songs
Coolest looking in game item? pirate hat with one eyepatch looks wicked
Oldest console owned? i think its a SNES
Last book read? something from lee child, damm whats it called again...
Looking at our playlist: Who has the better taste in music?
I dont like paris judgements: so either all of you or neither of you
Evil Experiment 1:suprisingly a white door
Evil Experiment 2:john grisham- the file
Evil Experiment 3: peperonni pizza ftw
if there is light, there is hope.
if there is darkness,
there is somebody who forgot to change the lightbulb.
22-Aug-2011 16:53:06
- Last edited on
22-Aug-2011 16:53:20