Greetings Dunegeoneers, and welcome to the Dungeoneering Guide Competition!
As you have no doubt seen on the news post, we are celebrating the one year anniversary of the Dungeoneering skill by hosting an amazing week of Dungeoneering related events! Well not one to miss out on the fun I thought I'd create a fun packed competition for you guys to enter as well!
Essentially, this competition involves you guys telling us the best way of levelling this amazing skill in the form of an appealing and engaging guide. We want the guides to be awesome and the best way of doing this is to make it clear and simple to follow, using pictures and diagrams as well as words to demonstrate the best way to train and have fun with this skill. Explaining how to form a Dungeoneering group and train with others is also essential to any good Dungeoneering guide.
What about the prizes you ask? Well, the winner will get their hands on an exclusive piece of Dungeoneering history. This will be in the form of a signed and framed piece of concept artwork right back from when Dungeonering was created.
So you can see, this is a competition you don't want to miss out on!
The rules are as follows:
- You must create a guide using text, pictures and screen shots which is no longer than 2 A4 pages (A4 is one sheet of normal sized paper: 21cm × 29.7cm)
- The guide must cover forming a Dungeoneering group with other players and how to train with them
- The guide must cover the training of dungeoneering up to level 33, which includes all of the frozen floors and the first set of abandoned floors
- You must submit your entries via [email protected] before 00:00 GMT on Saturday 30th April (that's midnight between Friday 29th and Saturday 30th GMT/Official Forum Time
Send your guide as a Word, Pages, PDF or any other word processing document that we can read to [email protected] ensuring that the email subject is "Dungeoneering Guide Competition" to ensure that we see it! As ever, if you’re 13 or under, check the T&Cs first and make sure you get your parent’s permission!
That's all my hardy underground adventurers,
Until then, get guiding!
- M o d S c o r p i o n -
Competitions Lead & Social Networking Curator
RuneScape on Facebook - RuneScape on Youtube - RuneScape on Twitter

13-Apr-2011 17:52:16 - Last edited on 25-May-2011 17:45:29 by Mod Scorpion