Didn't realise it was still April fools. Oh well.
As Enaid Anwen has already stated:
Fastest guide to 33 dg:
**Make sure dg is your lowest skill**
1. *Insert screen-shot of player doing tears of guthix here*
2.*Insert screen-shot of player redeeming penguin points for dg exp here*
3. The end. You're still a joke at dg by now so go back to w117 or pay someone to troll you through the first 50 dg lvls.
(can get in 1 day or less depending on how much you pay)
20-Apr-2011 17:47:14
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20-Apr-2011 17:48:12
Oh yes speedemon a guide for only 33 dungeoneering is ridiculous but considering that I will be doing an extensive one for my clan I can just cut+paste what is necessary for frozen floors and abandoned floors. Though I would recommend all in my clan to not do dungeoneering until lv 50 through tears and penguin points.
Casual DIY
Arial size 9 obviously.
Make sure you don't under pay people who you leech dungeons off of or else no one will take you seriously as a dungeoneer.
20-Apr-2011 17:56:48
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20-Apr-2011 17:59:27
First 30 floors of dg:
1. Tears of guthix.
2.Penguin points.
3. Resource dungeons for bonus dg exp.
4. C1 them all.
5. Never, ever ever waste time with C6.
And always remember: w117 exists so you can assist your free daily 30k exp. Nothing else.
Ryan nem..... lamest competitions...
Just because you don’t think this is a good competition doesn’t mean other people wont like to do...this will please the writers out there and i want to enter it.