Guide complete! The 2 page limit was a huge restriction. Too much so, in my opinion. Started typing it out in a plain text editor (Notepad), so I wasn't initially restricted by size, and it came out to be 4½ A4 pages. Managed to shrink it to 2, with the help of the delete button, but lacking space for pictures. Everything makes sense to me, but I'm in no way new to Dungeoneering, so lets hope it's simple enough for Dungeoneering newbies, too.
A lot of questions have been asked, and no answers given, but I'm going to post one just in case a J-mod or someone stumbles upon this by chance: are URLs allowed in the guide? For instance, a URL to a list of boss strategies? If not that, for reason of URLs being potentially malicious, are links to pages in the Game Guide/Knowledge Base allowed?
26-Apr-2011 03:38:00