1. If you've not bought anything from the store yet, could you tell me why? I just don't see much appealing. I would like something to do with Computers or Technology, like one person recommended, A Flashdrive or something would be nice. Maybe you could even sell some skins for something? ( I.E. Ipods, Phones, Computers) I think some things would be interesting.
2. The latest t-shirts (the clan logo ones) are a bit of a change in tempo to the earlier stuff - they're limited edition and designed by monkeys for a start. What do you think? better? worse? different? Awwww, I might get one soon, don't let them be Limited! I thought they were designed by Elves or Gnomes, either way, I like them and will probably buy one later.... Good job so far though.
14-May-2011 00:19:58