I think that "What's My Motivation" is one of the best polls. The questians posted are ones that I often think about. I guess why I play Runescape would be because it is somthing to do that I can build off of in the sense that I can come back later to complete things. Also I find that being a f2p and wanting to level up allows be to do a fair bit of thinking. I think the hardest thing about playing Runescape for me is not having enouph time to play as it does take many hours to complete things no matter how efficantly I play. But I do not complain about this as I like that it takes time to complete things such as skill leveling as it shows that a player has put in hardwork and dedication.
I guess asking how long a player has been playing only reflects those who participated in the poll as not all palyers do. However I think it shows that those players who participate in polls are players that have been playing longer and this probably applies to most of the active community of Runescape out of game such as forums.
15-Aug-2010 18:30:50