i came and posted here like you asked! as much as i didnt feel like taking the time to get on forums
anyways, love the polls keep em comming, they are fun to do and let you know what we want for great new updates.. HINT HINT! how about new boss(s) with weapon/armour drops!
(Not dungeoneering bosses)
I liked this poll. I tried to make my Runescape character as much like my real life self as possible. The funny thing is - the younger ones playing this game seem to think I'm a big joke and could not possibly be playing the game at my age. Therefore, according to these Know-it-all kids, I'm just a big liar. lol Still, I feel like I'm really IN Gielinor - to the point that I hate killing unicorns and noble elves. hehehe
First the polls are always fun and this is a fun way to see how further dedicated?, involved? people are to go further and post after doing a quick and fun poll.
Reading some of the other posts I see many faucets of how I see things myself ("We are all so different, yet so much the same"..as the old saying goes, lol) I enjoy seeing many others opinions.
I think the thing I see in Runescape is its constant dedication to growth without losing its roots(with a few exceptions, but I forgive them for silly funness).
I especially love the humour in the game and how it doesn't take itself too seriously, that is what I think sets the tone that allows Runescape to continue to be a fun escape.
As for Marilye, I guess mostly I think of her as a a friend that is a little a part of me now
She has kinda grown on me over the years.
Polls are a great way for players to show how they feel about RS. It can also help Jagex to see, sometimes, how many of their players are actually dedicated or not.
Polls are a great way to get everyones opinions
However, I dont like the fact that one day, you may be making items that people want, I think you as Jagex should just make the items and skills, and people can just like get what their given, dont listen to fussy people putting pressure on you guys about making new skills and items, etc.. Why dont you say to them ''I'd like to see you come up with a skill smart guy?
'' ... You get pressurised into making a new skill, but they dont realise how hard you all work to just create 1 item for a skill =\.... In a way, its great to get peoples opinions, but not great to make their dreams come true... Just do things at your own pace jagex, because no matter what
X I'D DO ANYTHING TO MEET YOU ALL =D X keep up the great work