Interesting latest poll, for question 3 I chose all options besides all about buddies (it's not all 'emphasis on all' about my friends, but that is part of the reason, i also didn't choose competitive one and maybe 1 or two, not including none of the options given, and i did choose, you know what? I don't really know ^.^
And Yea first two questions really nice =)
RuneScape Judge Sirz Benjie
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•‹.„¸¸¸„.›•º°.•*´¯`*•.¸„.›•º-¤^*`./¤Sirz Benjie¤,¸„.\*´¨´°º•‹.„¸.›•*´°`¨´*•..„¸.„••*´¯`*•.¸„.
•‹.„¸¸¸„.›`°º•‹.„¸¸¸„.›•º°´°º•‹.„¸„\¸.¤Of the Orb¤,.¸./*´•º°``¨´°º•-‹.„¸¸¸„.›•º°`¨´°º•‹.„¸¸¸„.›
11-Aug-2010 00:48:27