Why do I keep coming back?
The choices I chose were only contributing factors to WHY I actually come back. The main reason I come back is that all you at Jagex make the game playable for all different types of gamers. Allow me to explain:
When you look at console games, they're all set into different genres. You have your Shooters, RPG's, Simulators, etc. Yet they can be divided into fast-paced, medium-paced, and slow-paced, respectively. What you've done with Runescape, with all the skills, quests, and minigames is combine all the different gameplay speeds into one massive game.
This is great for people like me, who change their minds about what they want to do almost every day. If I want to do something fast-paced, I'll play a combat-related minigame like Pest Control (I can't wait for Conquest to be released by the way. Tactical games are legit). If I want to slow it down a bit, I'll train a skill that requires constant attention like Firemaking or Runecrafting. And if I want to train a skill where I can multi-task (i.e. Read a book, write a report, etc.) I'll train a skill that you don't really have to pay attention to (please note that I'm at the computer at all times while I'm training. I know AFK training is against the rules) like Fishing or Woodcutting.
What I'm saying is that Runescape is a cut above any other game that I've played because it doesn't just focus on one certain type of gamer but instead allows players to choose how they want to use their time. So kudos, Jagex. Keep up the great work.
10-Aug-2010 09:27:52