I very much enjoyed the "What's your motivation?" poll. However there is one thing I would change. On the "How long have you been playing?" question, I would have added more options past 6 years. I would be interested to see how many people are stickin around with me, who played classic all those years ago.
I like the polls and usually complete them. Then the fun bit is to look at answers from others to see if we're on the same wavelength or maybe I'm on my own planet !
Especially like the guaranteed content polls for holiday events.
Don't normally read forums or post but like others I said I would so here it is.
I love polls, they're quite interesting and entertaining at times. I ALWAYS look forward to each one and the next one that lies ahead. Not only does it provide feedback for improvements suggested by Jagex, but also the community. Having the community create their own poll topics is a great way to learn about the interest of the majority of the community itself and their responses to things within game that normally is hidden through the many threads on the forums.
Preferably, I'd like to have new polls updated more frequently such as each week.