Nice new poll, I'd like to see WAY more feedback polls such as:
Which of these would you most want to see become f2p/which of these would you be most willing to give up to f2p
What is your favorite thing about dungeoneering
What do you absolutely hate about dungeoneering
I'm here to echo the last poster (Spirit link)in replying just 'cause I said I would.
I read the polls, but very rarely review details in the forums. Keep up the good work!
well i didnt know they hqd a thred till now im glad i know.
it was a good poll this week before polls about actual stuff we get is what i like the most.
I was wondering if there will ever be a quest that requires a dungeoneering lvl? I though that there would have been one by now but there hasn't. Is it planned to have one?
I said I would check this thread out in the poll, so here I am. Honestly, I didn't know that there was a thread for poll feedback and that a player gets a month free of membership, that's pretty cool. =]
The only thing i think about during polls is that some dont have the answer im looking for
like this week on Question 1 - Which best describes your voting habits?
i would have liked to say i check for new polls everyday or sometimes cant get to a computer