If I was taking one real world item to the wilderness it would be....
A pink balloon. What better way to divert any attackers attention than by skipping around the Wilderness holding one of the most fun things in the universe? =O
Here's the scenario: A random guy approaches with the intent to pwn;
"Gasp! What in Zamorak's name is this?!"
"Tis a... a pink balloon?.. Oh my eyes.."
"I cannot unglue my gaze upon this most perfect and holy object.."
*hands over the balloon to this follower of evil*
"For.. For me?" =O
(They then accept the balloon with excitement, and frolic off into the darkness as their echo's of giddy laughter fade away behind them)
So what once was an enemy, has now suddenly became the most carefree and happy citizen of Gielinor that there ever was.
15-Mar-2011 11:06:41