If i was taking one item into the wilderness it would be a bunch of purple sweets. Firstly i <3 sweets. secondly, they are good for luring kids and lastly they are a good stackable energy source. P.s. not all people are fans of luring kids with sweets in the wildy, but that is just me.
If I was taking one real world item to the wilderness it would be a fluro pink rubber chicken shaped machine gun which fires pink eggs (would have fun egging the pkers!
Edit: (the pink came from talking with a friend rofl)
Dark Elf IV
15-Mar-2011 22:28:22
- Last edited on
15-Mar-2011 22:46:04
Dark Elf
If I was taking one real world item into the wilderness, it would be my mom, because all moms go all juggernaut kamikazie when their kids are in danger!
(I just so happen to wear a medium!
If I was taking one real world item to the wilderness it would be.... a pack of gum, the breath of pkers smells horrible after drinking so many potions o.O