- While you are welcome to ask ONCE why certain action was taken on your thread, Forum Help is not the place to not only call out F-Mods and argue. Responses were left on your threads explaining why action was taken.
It is inappropriate to misuse Forum Help to explain your "experiments" and passively demand that your thread be re-opened. Furthermore, insulting and attacking another user, F-Mod or otherwise, is not welcome on the forums.
First, on behalf of the team, I'd like to reiterate one of Kathy's points:
you are welcome to ask ONCE why certain action was taken on your thread.
You've now made two more posts about the action taken on your thread. This is a mis-use of Forum Help. Please do not continue to post about the situation.
Second, your posts here about that thread are a red herring. To help keep the focus on the most relevant piece of moderation of the locked thread, I've quoted it here.
Original message details are unavailable.
Hello Philasophia
If you are aware of specific RS3 current content that should be changed for the sake of inclusivity, that is best addressed in the EGC Forum. If you are aware of statements by Jagex that indicating specific upcoming inclusivity updates, those can be discussed in the FGU Forum. Creating a thread to provide feedback on vague sweeping references to possible unnamed future updates is inappropriate and could rightly be argued as putting the cart before the horse.
This is the reason that your thread will not be unlocked. Additionally, you have been given advice regarding any future creation of 'update' threads.
Thus, let me repeat: Please do not continue to post about the situation. There are consequences for mis-using Forum Help.