@ BNB Binance - We are not able to delete threads, and hiding of threads is usually reserved for rule breaking threads. However, we shall the lock the threads that you have listed above.
I appreciate that some of the community are having difficulty in maintaining a positive and relevant discussion. Please remember that English is not the native language for quite a few of the foruming community and they may not correctly interpret written text.
Inthe thread in question, I acknowledge that there was meaningful discussion occurring about the impact of MTX on the game and that it had evolved from the original content posted. However, with the persistent derailment and the somewhat heated debate that ensued, the thread's discussion was stymied. As such, it was for the best to curtail the discussion there.
In future, I advise that you should report the player, who is embarking on thread derailment (intentionally or not) here to the Forum Help thread early, so that the situation can be nipped in the bud. I think that some interesting points were raised about how players are avoiding some skilling activities, because raising them with the use of stars and lamps is more convenient. You are welcome to recreate the thread in a more general sense, discussing how the game could be improved.