What's this? FMR on a Thursday? Wuuuut...
Nex A Origin
- I'm not prepared to debate my previous musings with you. Please respect my judgement as well as that of the F-Mods who I continue to support in regards to your report.
Alaska Died
- Thanks for the report. While I appreciate the F-Mod's tone might not have been the smoothest, I do support their decision to remove your post.
That said however you've highlighted some discrepancies in the pages you linked which I will spend some time resolving as soon as I'm able.
Ownage Omg
- I do not feel additional action is needed. Your post replying to a troublemaker was removed fairly, as it detracted from the overall conversation.
Generally speaking the best way to handle troublemakers is to ignore them. F-Mods should be on hand to help out.
- I'm going to combine your multiple posts into a single succinct response.
I have no issue with the way the F-Mod you continue to mention handles themselves on certain threads. I kindly request you stop reporting them for this reason.
As a closing statement I once again offer my support and solidarity to the F-Mod in question for their approach and continued patience.
Only 9 Lives
- I disagree that the thread/post you're reporting breaks the rules for naming and shaming, as it appears to be a genuine question regarding someone impersonating Jagex staff. No accusation was made - even the title is speculative rather than assertive.
In situations like this I'd rather more people were privy to the discussion so they can avoid falling for scams themselves.
My Nox Now
- The F-Mod acted accordingly. Furthermore the notion that F-Mods shouldn't be allowed to moderate due to not being Jagex staff is novel but ultimately flawed.
- The F-Mod did not act due to "personal reasons" but instead appropriately and in line with the rules.
Please do not circumvent punishments.
- I support the action taken against your account by the F-Mod in question.
Please do not circumvent punishments.
- Your continued hounding of an F-Mod will not be entertained for much longer. If you are unhappy with the F-Mod's approach please do not engage in threads that they are a part of.
I will again declare my support for their approach.
Alaska Died
- Thanks for the report. I've spoken to the F-Mod in question and having heard their justification I'm going to side with their actions.
Ultimately the decision should fall with the original poster. If they wish to make alterations to the rules of the thread or challenge decisions taken so far I encourage them to raise it here with me or with one of the F-Mods involved in the thread.
Until then, I'm happy for the F-Mods to monitor the thread at their discretion.
- I'm sure it comes as no surprise when I say I side with the F-Mod in this instance.
Please refrain from hyperbole - the F-Mod has facilitated conversation whilst showing patience and a desire to educate on that thread. The fact that you disagree with their statements doesn't mean that they're operating as a
Ministry of Truth
as you put it.
A brief Google confirms what should be apparent
. When alternatives are so widely used, insisting on using such a niche name for something is suspicious at best. Please refrain from language that could be interpreted as offensive when other options are available.
- I've locked the thread as per your request.
If the user continues to bump old threads action will be taken.
Lots to cover this week. Please ensure you're sticking to the rules and keep your reports succinct to help us better evaluate each situation.
Cya next week!