6. What’s your favourite spot in RuneScape to just ‘hang out’?
I don't really hang out, I'm usually training slayer, but the ge would be the closest thing to hanging out.
"What makes your chosen location so special for you? "
Hmm.. I guess the peacefulness, the fact that I'm usually the only one there. XP And also the fact that I just like these kinds of areas, things like snow and small foresty islands like Dragontooth inspire my imagination.
im going to answer that question by posing another.
how is where we hang out relevant to improving runescape?
you will probably just do a graphics ovwehaul on the most favourite place and sure that will be great for 10 minutes but it doesnt benefit how we play the game, like removing pjing and tagging in single would help.
6. What’s your favourite spot in RuneScape to just ‘hang out’?
World 2 Grand Exchange. You never know when the opportunity to make a profit may come along, so when I'm not doing anything else I stand around and keep an eye on trading prices.
I hang with the frost dragons =)
They gave me my first and only visage to date so they are my friends... in a unfriendly kind of way - they attack me when I go see them and I kill lots of them - but I still love them.
Usually when I play with friends we go do activities and bosses together - no time to "hang".
6. What’s your favourite spot in RuneScape to just ‘hang out’?
I like being @ the GE
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