Seen as I came to this late (thought it was starting at 7 not at 17:00 (oops)) Ill go through some of the earlier questions:
1) Probably dungeoneering. Back when I started though (pre-slayer) it was crafting. Because you didnt do it at all in the tutorial and it seemed difficult to decide the right way of doing it. It seemed like several skills rolled into one, with next to no information at the time. Nowadays though it's probably dungeoneering because you have to go quite a way for a beginner just to start it, and it's a rather complex skill to get the hang of. Most players don't (unfortunately) have a kind player to help guide them through the basics. And even players with 200m xp don't know exactly how it is worked out, or didnt use the best methods to get there (them using c1 instead of c2 for example)
5) neither. I train stats with what I will enjoy doing at the time in mind.
6) I don't really do this unless I run into someone. Usually I just talk to people over pm and will sometimes stop wherever I am.
7) Several. Some of the most recent ones were the halloween one, which was great fun, even with the epic lag at the end ( :p ) and the rev hunting one which sort of failed as I didn't see any revs I was able to attack and no jmods turned up until 15 mins into it.
9) if stuff with diango counts, RUBBER CHICKEN!!!
10) nope - they were either playing before me or I don't even talk to them about it.
11) no I'm not. I'm not really a clan person to be honest. I tend to be the sort of person that really aggravates certain people (by accident!) which tends to result in me being forced out of the clan lol.
12) Yes but no real opinion on it tbh.
13) My cousin told me about it.
14) For fun and to socialise with people I've met on here or that I know irl but am distant from.
I like the idea of the game bar, but I haven't used it myself. I relax playing runescape and I don't want to think " Got to log in, 3 min till I can do Bork again...". Takes the relax part away for me.
Kat, I know this isn't the time to be suggesting things again, but it does fall under Community Management.
We need to be able to use colored, bold, and italic text in the forums too!