So here is the next question:
16. Have you ever given up training a skill? If so, which one?
Unfortunately is it so. I like to train skills in small amounts, unless it is combat related as I love combat and always have an itch to go kill something.
Ive given up on training summoning due to lack of intrest in picking up charms. But i have achived 71 summoning purely from exp lamps and quest rewards. I HAVN'T TRAINED THE SKILL AT ALL!
Okay, I'm gunna try to be short here so I can get it in on time
16. Have you ever given up training a skill? If so, which one?
Yes. Hunting and Construction. However, I plan to get back to them ASAP.
I think everyones "given up training a skill" for a little while. I have in every skill. But I've come back to all my skill and have slowly gotten them up. I didn't start out with 0 xp in a skill and say "omfg i gotta get to 99, no 200m xp!!!! in this freakin skill w/o giving up!" I played the game seriously. My goals have always been get quest req, get task reqs, get up my low lvl skills, or get an easy lvl to 99.
15. What more could we be doing to better support the RuneScape community?
Gaming communities build themselves around good game. If you create quality content the community will build it's self
Built it, and they will come
Q16) yes runecrafting three times, takes to longg but i love it now i 99.
slayer, cus i hate combat.
and others skill like wc fletch fm cook fish, dnt evan want to do skill in them, there nooby and rubbish.