@ Vlumondoxa - Regarding the thread you have recently reported here several times, it appears that you misunderstood something the user said, and took it as a personal attack when it does not appear to have been intended that way. Unfortunately, your reply to the perceived attack inflamed the situation. I have hidden your posts that were a result of that misunderstanding. I will lock the thread, once I am sure that the user has gotten the information and understanding that he needs out of it.
I appreciate that when you are posting in the Community Led Account Help Forum, you are trying to help others. The best advice for doing that is to remember that those seeking help in that Forum are already most certainly frustrated, and may be also be panicking, angry, embarrassed, scared of losing their account, ready to give up, or on the verge of exploding. It is important when giving them information or 'bad news' that they do not want to hear, that you consider their feelings and do your best to frame that information in a way which keeps the tension down and is patient and supportive, rather than blaming.