@ Boabies - Regarding your latest report about a post that you called "pure flame bait", it was actually your post that was the flame bait. You have been told before that provoking flame posts and then reporting them here is a mis-use of this thread.
@ Boabies - Your last two reports of flaming have been situations where your own posts that the reported user was replying to were also flaming. You have been warned about this before:
@ Boabies - Please remember the instructions from the first post of this thread:
Mod Meadows
Baiting Players
- Posting in a manner that deliberately invites or provokes negative responses or personal attacks (trolling/baiting) and then reporting those attacks, is considered a misuse of this thread.
@ Enyremer - That is your own post and it is not breaking any of the forums rules, therefore it does not require any moderator action. If you want it removed, please follow the advice that was given to you previously:
@ Enyremer - The post has been hidden, this time. Next time, just use the edit function and edit it to a ".", "bump", "sorry", or "Oops! Wrong thread" and leave it at that.