@ GP FarmerDib - You are frequently reporting the same individual, whom you obviously do not get along with. You should not be using Forum Help as a way of attempting to get revenge or to involve the F Mod Team in your personal vendetta against them. It is also a misuse of Forum Help to report someone for flaming when, even in the quote you used in your report, you are throwing the same insults at them as they used in their reply post to you.
Please reread the first post on how to use this thread, paying particular attention to the following sections from the first post on how to use this thread:
Mod Meadows
Forum Revenge - This is not the place for you to try and get revenge. You shouldn't be reporting players who have reported you, the forums should be an adult and civil place, so please don't misuse this.
- Posting in a manner that deliberately invites or provokes negative responses or personal attacks (trolling/baiting) and then reporting those attacks, is
@ Redeveloped - There does not seem to be any word for word copying, rather just a similar style and structure. Nothing about the opening posts for the thread you reported requires F Mod intervention at this time.
When you post content for a clan, that content is considered to belong to that clan, even if you later leave that clan.
Doing a bit of searching, it appears that the clan you were all previously a part of had a split. Both of the new clans seem to have used the thread of the old clan as inspiration and a starting point for developing the threads of the new clan.
In fact, the thread for your clan is a direct copy and paste of the old clan's thread, verified by a cached copy of the old thread on Google. (The link to the application wasn't even changed and still leads back to the old clan's thread.)
Since the old clan still officially exists in the clan database, even though the content has been removed from the thread, it is your thread that would be asked to edit it's content, should one of the remaining members of the original clan request it.