Lu k e - Those posts have not been actioned as the thread's author has replied to them , and they fall under the
"Reporting Trivial Matters"
section of the first post of this thread.
The F Mod Team deals with each report on this thread on a case by case basis, in an impartial manner, following the guidelines that Jagex has provided for us. In most cases, all that is needed is a report that provides the information asked for by the template in the 1st post. Neither editorial comments nor implied threats and attempts at intimidation should be part of your report
If you have concerns over the actions of a Forum Moderator, you may and should use the
Forum Moderation Review
thread, to request a review of those actions.
@ E s t a - If a player has found the solution to their issue in the Community Led Support forums, there is no need to report the thread here. It should be able to make its way off the forums naturally. If it turns out that instead of going inactive, it gets gravebumped or spammed, that would be the time to report it.
Also, it would really help us find the reported threads faster if you would use the QFC (Quick Find Code) listed at the top and bottom of each thread, rather than the URL that includes your session ID. Thanks
@ Gozzzz - Your assumption would be incorrect. Just because a report is not actioned in the way you think it should be, that does not imply that is okay to post in the same manner. As already mentioned above,
Those posts have not been actioned as the thread's author has replied to them , and they fall under the
"Reporting Trivial Matters"
section of the first post of this thread.
If you have concerns over the actions of a Forum Moderator, you may and should use the
Forum Moderation Review
thread, to request a review of those actions.