CostcoSlime - If you are reporting a thread, it is not appropriate for you to also be leaving flame comments on the thread which is just as much against the rules.
so 4th time i ask, 3 times before passed without any response or action taken..........
@ Hefin - You have received responses to your past requests.
Hefin - The Social & Community Clans forum rules state: "
This is the forum for all clans that just have fun, socialise and don't have any level requirements in order to join!
However, per your clan thread, it appears you do have entry requirements:
Original message details are unavailable.
We do have requirements to join the clan however; which are:
> Be a paying member of Runescape
> 1800+ total skill level - or - 110+ combat
Based on that, the forum section your thread is currently in is a more appropriate section for your thread, so it has not been moved at this time.
Ms Toxicity
As mentioned above by Applejuiceaj on the 9th August, your thread will not be relocated, due to the fact that you have specific skill/combat requirements for your thread.
If the clan's focus changes from combat to more of a social clan, the thread will be moved.
Your clan still has a requirement of "1800+ total skill level - or - 110+ combat", so it cannot be moved to the Recruitment: Social and Community Clans Forum.
Your requests have not been ignored as you can see by all the F-Mod replies. Your thread can't be moved until it complies with that section rules and guidelines.
Comprehensive Account Security
What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes!
13-Sep-2018 07:56:08
- Last edited on
13-Sep-2018 07:56:35