1. Will the bone yard return now that clan wars has been moved?
2. Dangerous free-for-all at clan wars will now work like the wild, with items dropped for other players. What about dangerous clan wars? Any plans to split the loot between the victorious clan members?
3. There has already been a substantial increase in bots since the free trade announcements, with some worlds having upwards of 50 accounts mining rune essence at a time. Does Jagex have any methods that they have not discussed or released up to this point to control botting?
4. The current wilderness has two types of areas: single and multi-combat. Great for soloers. Great for clans. What about me and my one or two friends?(and the thousands of players in the same situation) Would Jagex consider making certain areas “double” or “triple-combat” areas, where a person could be attacked by a maximum of 2 or 3 people at a time? They could be put in areas that are not very popular for pking. This would create an interesting new niche in the wilderness, while leaving the existing ones largely undisturbed.
5. Will General Stores be returned to their original state?
Thanks! =)
22-Jan-2011 15:02:14
- Last edited on
22-Jan-2011 16:29:19