I apologize if this is a silly question, I've only just recently starting playing RuneScape again after a very long hiatus, but does the double XP also apply to OSRS or is it just for RS3?
I apologize if this is a silly question, I've only just recently starting playing RuneScape again after a very long hiatus, but does the double XP also apply to OSRS or is it just for RS3?
This is going to be my first DXP wherein I don't have anything planned for myself, so it's going to feel a little strange approaching it with a Dudeist philosophy of "take it easy."
On the upside, a couple of clanmates are planning to Spelunkineer and meet their levelling/token goals, so I'll be joining them and helping to maximize their gains, which is cool. That, and I'll be able to watch the stream!
Sounds like a fine weekend to me!
sips soul smoothie
This tastes exactly like Icthlarin's disappointment.