D4 BE45T - The situation has been dealt with and you were given a response. Arguing the point is only going to result in action being taken against your account. Thank you.
Mean 2 U Man - Gravebumping is not in the CoC or Specific rules as it is very different between the different forums. I will endeavour to change that; however, gravebumping is spam and is not allowed.
Deltaslug - Please use forum help for these issues.
cute girl420 - Please use the template from the first post on this thread, so I can understand what your issue is.
Torchic - I see your point, but the likelyhood of other players having the same issue is low. Having this thread stay near the top is not necessarily good for the forums either. I feel it's better for other players with the issue to create a new thread in however many months time, than keep that thread alive.