@ Dj Klohver - Threads advertising/recruiting for FC's, similar to clan recruitment threads, are not the place to express your concerns over how the FC is operated or over something that happened while in the FC. That is not the purpose of those threads and it is disruptive to recruitment.
The forums are not to be used to make accusation of others, and issues about something that happened in an fc or clan should be resolved in game, not on the Forums.
Different friend chats are set up for different reasons and it is up to the owner of each fc what the rules for their channel are. If they want to restrict it to only friends, or to players participating in a certain minigame or event on a specific world, that it their right. As long as they are not discriminating based on real world criteria such as age, race, religion, etc. or engaging in activities that are illegal or against the game rules, they may use their friend chat as they wish. And they decide who they want to rank and what controls the ranks are given.
If you are unhappy with the way a certain FC operates, you are welcome to either attempt to resolve the issues with the FC owner in-game, or to find another FC to use.