Mod Kathy, could the FAQ please be expanded to include some of the more asked questions? U know, "what size," "what format/file type" -- answered in first post, but it seems to be getting overlooked -- "what's a logo," etc...?
They've been answered in the thread, but it seems few are reading through the many contributions.
And also have to give a nod to Sir Duncan88. Perhaps the proposed "standard library" could be done via clan activities...
Some formula would have to be devised, but clans would work towards goals that have point values based on clan size. Engage in certain activities, and you earn points towards opening up different parts of the library. Since big clans would have an easier time of amassing points than small clans, there would have to be a "sliding scale" of points required to make things fair across the board.
A clan specialized in "gathering skills," could farm, wc, fish, etc... for points, and get access to those entities in-game that represent those skills. (Fishing tutor, master gardener, freaky forester...)
Those that do combat could "unlock" slayer masters, the ol' man, the goblin generals, Elvarg, yadda yadda yadda
Clan leaders would set the agenda. "We will be pursuing the KGP Army Commander, so we need folks doing agility, quests, and crafting..."
There could be some overlap as to what activities open up what possibilities.
I need to sit back and consider fleshing this out in more detail, but it could be interesting. (Is it more "point intensive" to open up multiple sets of possibilities, or should they all be available for the same amount? Etc...)
09-Jan-2011 00:10:31