It's annoying how the minority think there more important than the majority. The vast majority of people voted for free trade and wilderness to return. No one cares if you're going to quit because you're the vast minority. There will definitely be more people returning to PK, including myself, then those who quit. Stop complaining. You should be glad that you got to have your way for 3 years. According to the vote, 90% of the people agree with me. It's about time things went back to the good ol' days of Runescape. When Jagex made that massive update, there was no vote and no one had a say in it. Be grateful that you even got a chance to vote, this easily could have been an update if Jagex wanted it to be. So stop the lame excuses and accept that, no matter how you word it, you're the minority. You should not be complaining when everything returns.
31-Jan-2011 00:03:40