
Wildy/Free Trade referendum... Thread is locked

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Posts: 92 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's annoying how the minority think there more important than the majority. The vast majority of people voted for free trade and wilderness to return. No one cares if you're going to quit because you're the vast minority. There will definitely be more people returning to PK, including myself, then those who quit. Stop complaining. You should be glad that you got to have your way for 3 years. According to the vote, 90% of the people agree with me. It's about time things went back to the good ol' days of Runescape. When Jagex made that massive update, there was no vote and no one had a say in it. Be grateful that you even got a chance to vote, this easily could have been an update if Jagex wanted it to be. So stop the lame excuses and accept that, no matter how you word it, you're the minority. You should not be complaining when everything returns.

31-Jan-2011 00:03:40



Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
OK i love the theme of free trade and Ive been working my butt off to become a moderator but this isn't the smartest idea jag ex has thought of. Just think about it when a kid is level 3 they can ask there friend for 400 mill and get there levels up super fast, its not smart for your high scores because when you released the info about free trade everybody was talking about it. Yes you will get more players but just think about getting more servers cause i heard like 500,000 people would be joining your game so get ready for Monday and Tuesday peace!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i love your game cause wow is to overpriced and over used so if you could think about me moderating i would enjoy the job peace

31-Jan-2011 00:23:29

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Posts: 113 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I love how everyone acts like they have some clue of what they're talking about. As if they created Runescape, or knows how JaGex operates. I've been playing this game for about 7 years now, on multiple accounts. I've been around at the worst times and the best times and made many friends during my years of being apart of this community. Being able to trade whatever I wanted and giveaway my junk to new players was a great thing to do, it kind of gave you a sense of freedom. Pking and actually EARNING your drops of your opponent was something we all enjoyed, and where we all lost money of our money (haha). Most of my friends quit due to this update, but I just remained and coped to it. Bringing back the wilderness and free trade will let you know what Runescape is all about.. from the endless nights of pking to actually having to interact with players to buy items and obtaining jobs in game. Of course everyones issues is the mass amount of botters we've received due to the fact of lazy teenage kids who think they will get away with it, but the fact that cheaters who continually cheat will get caught one day and that'll be it. :P
Anyway, what I'm saying is.. all of you people who don't want it to come back don't know what you're declining.. Runescape is not Runescape without this assets and if you fail to believe so, you have not experienced it. For all the Veterans of Runescape, this is what we love, challenge. If you can't handle that, then there are many other games similar to this one that you can play..
Much Love,
Professor A. :D

31-Jan-2011 04:09:57

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