thanks pvp danger
and oh yes of course it would but thats fine, but i dont think a huge change will happen unless the pkers come back, then items they use (dd's whips d hides runes etc) would probly rise to the old days or decrease if too many people are making....simple supply and demand..
Yup, but there are less than before, Jagex is still working on deleting bots. Keep that in mind.
About that theme song, sorry, but I think it's unnecessary to post anything like that...
Don't be so offensive. No need for that. It's just a good discussion, so don't act like a little child please.
Of course, scamming will stay. But I think deleting the max price and lowest price is a bad idea. That's my opinion though.
does anyone rember the super mega arguemnts that used ot happen in varrock where someoen would come in and say buying coal 240gp each and someone else would say selling coal 170 gp and of course they where working together hoping youd buy of one thinking you could sell to the other?
or rember when people wanted to sell i na hurry so they lowerd the price and others got mad at them as then everyone excpeted it at that price.
the g.e lets you pick without others knowing and yelling.
youd be mad if you new i brought my gs for 15m and sold it to you for 20m but under the g.e you dont know who sold it to you or how much they paid.
you still can rwt!!!! have you never been to websites sythe has been going since the game started and it still is!!! all the changed is now more kids get accounts hacked along with $$ stolen bc some scammer are like ohh give me your account bc i have ways of puting money on it,, AND THERE ARE!!!! and wildy and bots have nothing to do with one another only thing free trade has to relate is that bots make money for gold farmers!! but they still are!!!
Your comment of it taking time to level out is irrelevant, when the Grand Exchange was first implimented take into consideration how many people lost money. I myself lost about 25M while Jagex struggled to average out prices. As soon as highs and lows are removed people will price things at how much they are willing to buy or sell things but it will be based on all the prices around them. Most prices to date will probably remain since many were like this in the past, but the value of our items will be in our hands.