Akamai Nuva
i like the idea of like maybe 3 non pk worlds instead of afew pk worlds, but maybe in these worlds you cant do anything like clues or quests you could just look for landmarks and escape routes for going when you in the "pker infested"(not true) otheer 160 worlds...
It only makes sense, if the wilderness is suppose to be dangerous, Why not have both?
The biggest argument in favor of bringing back the wilderness is that it is supposed to be dangerous. Period.
This would make it dangerous, the way it is intended to be.
So, Why Not?
c'mon, boycotters!
you all rioted when it was taken out.
so why are you so against it coming back?
I understand RWTers, but srsly, its their loss because theyre nerds.
revs are opd now, pkers wouldnt have a chance against them especially pures most dont have prayer... jagex put revs in to make the wildy "dangerous again" it just made it a pain is all, if pkers back you dont need revs...
I'm glad Jagex is listening to users, however, I am not happy with the limited choice for Wilderness and Free Trade.
I'm a newer player and have never seen the old style wilderness. I would love to see old style Wilderness, but only on a few worlds, not all of them.
However, we don't seem to have any choice here. All or nothing? Jagex, you can do better, please continue the same trend you already have and designate specific worlds to the old style Wilderness.
Sir Jazz X
wouldnt work...those worlds would be way to crowded, if you dont wana get pkd dont go into the wildy.. if u gota kill drags or something do it on a world with 800 people youll be fine i did it in old rs...so can you
True Pr0,
No. Simply, no. Players shouldn't have to deal with PvP specific pures maybe roaming around 800 person worlds for that opportunity. And yes, there can be revanents and PKers. It would make it all the more exciting. Period.
I know this won't be read because it's on the 913th page. Regardless, I would like to say how sad it is that there is even a vote needed. How can Jagex not know that 90% (over 675,000) people out of 750,000 people are for the wilderness and free trade. It just saddens me to see how out of touch they are with their player base.
Regarding safe areas: I'm not totally up-to-date on what areas exactly are in the Wilderness today, but safe areas were never a problem before. They existed, but people looking for a PK-profit went to open wildy. I guess the main point of my long-winded rant is the incredibly fun concept of high risk, high reward. It should be reestablished.
On Revenants - again I don't know enough about them. As far as I'm aware they weren't a problem in the old Wilderness - and apparently, if the old wildy is returned, "Revenants patrolling the Wilderness will be relocated." I assume this means that they can be avoided during PK.
(probably my last post of the day)